Quick Start Guide

Step by Step

1. Prerequisites

You are going to need Apache, PHP 5.2 or greater, and MySQL, if you plan to run with a database, which I highly recommend that you do. You will need to have this environment set up hopefully on your local machine where you can test. If you don't have this, I recomend downloading XAMPP from Apache friends at www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html.

You will also need an IDE for editing. I recommend Eclipse with PDT, which you can downlaod at the following link: www.eclipse.org/pdt/downloads/.

2. Download the Framework


3. Unzip the Downloaded file

There are three main pieces.

  • First is the framework itself, this should be placed somewhere relative to the document root of the site you are deploying.
  • The second piece is the simple sample application called sample_website. It consists of two pieces. The contents of the simple_public directory should be moved to the document root, and
  • the other directory (simple_application) should be placed somewhere relative to the doc root.

Then you will need to edit the index.php (located in the public area). Update the references to the SYSTEM_PATH, APPLICATION_PATH, and CONFIG_PATH as appropriate.

SYSTEM_PATH will point to the framework. APPLICATION_PATH and CONFIG_PATH should both point to the application.

You should be in business at this point. Type localhost in your browser and you should see the Hardhat Sample Application page. If you have problems see the trouble shooting guide

Some Things to Look Out For

Apache needs to be configured properly. Specifically, Apache needs access to the document root where you are serving your application (i.e. where the index.php module is located). It needs to have AllowOverride All. See trouble shooting entry for File not found.

Apache needs mod_rewrite to use the .htaccess file for redirection. See trouble shooting entry if you get an Internal Server Error.